Teddywidder Rabbit: Facts About The Rare Dwarf Breed

Teddywidder is a rare find across the United States. Originates from Germany, this fluffy rabbit breed is rapidly spreading in popularity across Europe. Here is what we know about this bunny.

Weight3-4 lb
CharacteristicsSmall, Long Fluffy Fur & Lop Ears
EmotionsCalm, Laidback Temperament & Curious
Coat ColorWhite, Creamy, Brown & Blue-grey
Related BreedsLionhead, Angora & Fuzzy lop

The Teddywidder originates from Europe, more specifically, Germany. This breed is related to the angora, fuzzy lop, and lionhead rabbit. Teddywidder is still mainly unknown to rabbit lovers across the United States but is gaining traction as it spreads across Europe.

Teddywidder Characteristics and Features

Weighing around 4 lbs as an adult, this little bunny can be compared to a teddy bear with its fluffy look – hence its name.

Their fur has long hair all over their body, which causes them to get this cloudy look.

Due to its long hair, trimming around the eyes might be necessary to give them better visibility.

Grooming is also required once or twice weekly to keep their fur clean and breathing.

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Health Problems Dwarf Breeds

Dental issues

When breeding these dwarf rabbits, the goal is to get them as tiny as possible to create the cutest type of rabbit on the market. Unfortunately, heavy breeding for looks results in a rabbit breed with more susceptibility to health issues.

By creating a smaller breed, you shrink the head size, which causes them to have more problems with their teeth due to smaller jawbones.

Lop Ear Problems

Due to the large lop ears, Teddywidder is predisposed to contract ear infections. In addition, evidence shows that lop-eared rabbits usually have narrower ear canals, which reduce the airflow and increase the amount of ear wax that builds up. This can give infections that can cause deafness if not treated.

The Difference Between Teddywidder and Teddy Dwarf Rabbit

The Teddywidder is slightly heavier than the Teddy Dwarf. However, the main difference is the ears. Teddywidder has lop ears, while the Teddy dwarf has its ears pointing upwards. 

Last Thoughts About The Teddywidder

Don’t let these potential health problems scare you away. The Teddywidder rabbit is a lovely, cute little dwarf rabbit with much potential to be an excellent family bunny.

We don’t know how widespread this breed will be in the future, but it is undoubtedly a tiny breed with enormous potential!

Wildfeuer, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you have a Teddywidder and want to share it with the world, we are interested in your pictures. Credit will be given in further articles about this fluffy creature! It can be sent to henry@wildpetlife.com

Thank you!


Henry is a seasoned pet enthusiast with extensive experience in caring for various animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and dogs. His lifelong dedication to pet care is complemented by three years of professional experience working at a pet store. During this time, he acquired in-depth knowledge of pet products, dietary needs, and comprehensive care techniques.

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