Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery? Learn The Benefits & Serving Size

Did you know the Greeks and Romans used celery leaves to crown champions winning athletic games? I’m also betting your guinea pig would also like a crown made of celery – but should your guinea pig even eat celery?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery, but in moderation. Celery contains some micronutrients like vitamins and minerals that benefit the guinea pig. However, since the amount of nutrients is so low, there are better options for feeding your cavy.

If you like that crunchy ASMR sound while they chew, celery is a great food for both of you! However, if you want to feed your guinea pig some celery now and then – continue reading because now we will go more in-depth about the features of this vegetable.

Is Celery Healthy for Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pig eating green dandelion leaf

Celery Contains Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the guinea pig have optimal growth. Vitamin A becomes essential in maintaining organs and keeping the vision in great shape in adulthood. Eyesight is crucial for these prey animals. Have you ever noticed guinea pigs rarely blink?

Since the guinea pig’s liver is not efficient in absorbing vitamin A through their diet, they need extra amounts of foods containing vitamin A. Celery can be a great addition to ensuring their vitamin levels are stable.

Celery Contains Vitamin C

You have probably heard what a deficiency of Vitamin C can do to a human body. Just like humans, guinea pigs can get scurvy from a lack of Vitamin C.

They can’t produce Vitamin C naturally in their body, so celery can help fulfill the required dose to avoid any side effects if there is a shortage of Vitamin C in the guinea pig’s body.

A Good Source of Water

Celery will help your little friend by staying hydrated. Even though celery might not be packed with nutrients for the guinea pig, there are at least some soluble fibers and 95 percent water, which is excellent for digestion.

Can Celery be Bad for Guinea Pigs?

There are not many downsides to guinea pigs eating celery. Some people believe celery is high in oxalates and is somewhat bad for guinea pigs. However, recent studies from Harward show that celery only contains 3 mg of oxalate.

That amount is not very high and makes celery completely safe for guinea pigs to eat.

Since 95% of the celery is just water, a lot of celery can make the guinea pig flush out the necessary electrolytes in their body.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery leaves like they can eat celery stalks. However, due to the moderate amounts of oxalates, celery leaves should preferably be fed once or twice a week with the rest of the stalk.

How Often Should You Feed Your Guinea Pig Celery?

When we talk about moderation, a guinea pig’s ideal amount of celery is about once or twice a week. However, they are a decent source of nutrients and can be a nice switch-up from your guinea pig’s standard diet. 


Feeding your guinea pig celery, stalks, and leaves is totally safe. Vegetables have some health benefits for your little cavy, even though there are better options when it comes to nutritional value.

Celery can be found relatively cheap in the store, so grab one the next time on your shopping trip and test if they enjoy it.


Henry is a seasoned pet enthusiast with extensive experience in caring for various animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and dogs. His lifelong dedication to pet care is complemented by three years of professional experience working at a pet store. During this time, he acquired in-depth knowledge of pet products, dietary needs, and comprehensive care techniques.

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