Nothing is like a cat standing on your stomach and giving you a free paw massage. Here is the reason why they do it – and why it is a good sign!
What is Kneading?
Kneading is the motion where cats simulate the same movements as a baker, kneading and working with the bread. The cat uses its front paws to push back and forth, and it looks like it is giving a gentle massage.
This action usually happens on a soft surface they find comfortable. Very often, they find their cat owner comfortable. They find it comfy and cozy when they are lying on your lap or anywhere on your body.
It is a common belief that kneading starts when they are kittens. When kittens are sucking milk from their mother’s nipples, they increase milk secretion by performing this massage-like movement with their paws on the mother’s milk glands.
This habit, which they acquire as kitties, can continue when they are in adulthood. When they want to establish emotional communication, or contact, with people. Cats establish an emotional bond by touching; in this motion, they almost go into a trance-like state.
Cats Massage Because of Their Kitten-Instinct
The cat is giving you a massage because of its natural reflex developed when they were a kitten to stimulate its mother’s milk. This action resulted in the most positive feelings of a deep bond with their mother. It is comforting and nursing for our feline friends.
A cat can start to massage a soft surface when they feel cozy and happy, and it calms them even further. Most likely, the cat looks up to you as their owner and somewhat their mother/caretaker. So it’s also a very loving sign if your cat massages you!
Kneading can be a Sign of Sleep Preparations
Cats have created sleeping spaces in areas with tall plants and among tall grass in the wild. These are the preparations for a cozy hiding location. You can observe cats acting this way when hiding if your home has a garden with tall grass. It’s not unusual if the cat lays down on you after a little preparation by kneading the area.
Cats Knead to Mark Territory
The massaging motion might be related to marking the area, particularly in homes with multiple cats. To keep them away from the other cats in the house, your pet can rub the pillows, couches, or other soft surfaces they like to relax on.
In addition, scent glands in cats’ paws release distinctive odors. Therefore, they mark their territory through this ‘baking bread’ motion. You are maybe not their bread, but at least they can feel like you are a part of their territory and would like to keep you for themself.
Your Cat Might Want Attention
‘Maybe my Hooman friend will pet me back if I give my owner a massage?’ It’s possible that your cat is kneading you because it wants your attention. Particularly hungry cats may act this way if they want your attention by making themself known. Maybe they are used to getting petted after they do some massaging, and it might be one of the causes for this interesting behavior.
Should I try to Stop The Massaging?
As you have learned so far, it’s very natural for cats to knead you. You should not think your cat has a problem. You don’t need to disturb your cat by stopping this behavior.
It is simply instinct and a loving gesture if you are the lucky one getting massaged. If your cat’s nail is hurting you, you can do a few things to prevent it so that the session can be more comfortable for both parties.
To make the massage more comfortable for both parts, you should ensure that your cat’s claws are trimmed.
If you have a cat-masseuse at home, you might have noticed that sometimes their claws can get stuck while they are kneading. Not only getting stuck, but maybe it also hurts you a little. It can be difficult telling your cat to stop doing that, even though it hurts a little.
You can wear thicker clothes. If that sounds too hot on a warm summer evening, you could just try a smaller blanket and fold it so your cat can lay on your lap.
Nothing like getting a free massage from our cat while we just sit and watch Netflix. The kneading motion soothes both parts as you can feel the loving bond between you and your feline friend. If you have a cat that enjoys giving you a massage now and then, you can consider yourself lucky.